My biggest apology though is for not getting to see everyone. (Sorry Amy, Brian, and Avery AND Dana and Dimples.) I know you understand, but we would have liked to see everyone. We are always sorry that there’s never enough time. With any luck, Max and Mommy will be coming to Chicago land for a week this summer with or without Daddy!
Yes, Auntie Em is right, riding with her is ALWAYS and adventure, but our adventure started in Baltimore. We took the SUV to get to the parking lot and then a bus came to pick us up and take us to the airport. Although it was a short trip it was an adventure none the less. We got to airport and you rode in your car seat, as mentioned previously. You were so tired by the time we got on the plane you fell asleep for take-off. During the flight you woke up and had some lunch and during the landing you did so good, you didn’t even need your paci, so your ears must not have been bothering you one bit. Once we collected our luggage we trekked out to meet Auntie Em. So now you’ve taken an SUV, a bus, a plane, and a car all the way to Grandmas. Oh! I almost forgot to mention potholes! OH MY GOSH! The POTHOLES! I wish I had a picture. No one in Maryland would believe how many and how big the potholes are. It’s ridiculous! So pothole dodging…that was an Adventure!

I found this picture with the following caption:
"Motorists navigate past a pothole in the northbound lanes of Cicero Avenue at Archer Avenue in Chicago. (Tribune photo by Bonnie Trafelet / February 8, 2008)"
Here's a link to the story:,0,1437664.story
Once we finally made it over the river and through the skies to grandma’s house, boy were you tired and a bit cranky. Ya, you get a little cranky sometimes, but hey you’re allowed. So you took a nap. After that, I think Aunti Em pretty much summed it up.