Oh what an almost 2 year old you are! After my last week in traveling for work I flew from Boston to Baltimore to come see you. When I walked into the house you came walking over past your mommy right up to give me a big smile and a hug with a look on your face that was screaming 'It's about time you got here Auntie!'. You and I played and played until you were giggling that laugh that you only giggle when its way past your bed time. You wanted to show me all your tricks and made sure you knew where I was at all times.
Grammy and Pop showed up late that night after we both were fast asleep, but as soon as you made one peep they were the first up and in your room. You were so excited to see them, and within the first 2 minutes had pointed to everything in your room and showed off your vocabulary. We played and played all morning!
In the afternoon, it was time for the Birthday party! And although you won't turn 2 for another month, we all wanted to be part of the party! You were really excited about opening the presents this year...
Uncle Cashew and I bought you this really cool work bench, which you immediately loved. You already knew how to use all the tools and you went to work right away!
We wiped boogies and bottoms the rest of the weekend. You can't stand to have boogies so you ask us to blow your boogies every 5 minutes. You're also being potty trained so we took lots of trips to the bathroom. You didn't have any accidents the whole weekend! Such a good boy! You played cards with grammy and surprised us all at the words you know. We had so much fun and we already can't wait to see you at Christmas!
Love you!
Auntie aka Sister
P.S. I talked to you on Skype tonight, you now call me 'Sister'.