I know I have not been good about updating your blog but your Auntie is busy! We’ve been back from Florida for a few weeks and I already miss you tons. You have turned into a little kid and speak way more then you should for your age. I’m pretty sure you talk non-stop ALL the time. Grammy, Papa Legs, Uncle Cashew and I picked you up at the Fort Lauderdale airport on Saturday. I don’t know what number flight this is for you, but it’s a lot for a 2 year old. You got your own seat and you did pretty good for most of the flight. We then took the long cut (of course we did, b/c Papa Legs was driving, and it’s the only way he knows) to Key Largo. 2 years old and already visiting the Keys…wow! On the way, Grammy kept telling Pop to be careful to not hit a car that was in front of us, she must of said it one too many times, because soon enough you were telling Pop, ‘Don’t hit the Mazda POP’. When we got to the condo we rented, we set up your bedroom in the walk in closet, you thought it was really ‘Awesome’. Every morning you woke up way earlier then you should of and made most of our vacation less the restful, but who could resist you yelling…’Hey Auntie, Hey Uncle…wake up, come down staaairs.’ You also asked your mom to let you get up and leave your room because you wanted to see what your ‘friends’ were doing and because you told her ‘they feed me’. The phrase of the week was ‘I need some, OKAY?’ No one could argue with you, and you ended up eating some of everyone’s breakfast most days.
One day we went on a glass bottom boat and saw all sorts of fishy’s. You were way more interested in standing outside and watching the water. You posed for a picture with Uncle.
What a lucky kid you are...look how much fun you were having!

'No Climbing on the Rails'
How cute are you and mommy? 
We spent a couple days in the pool, but Auntie forgot her camera. You and I swam even though it was in the 60’s. You love the water, and we couldn’t stand going to Florida without a little dip in the pool. The next day, no one could please you, you needed a nap, and kept stealing another kids’ boat. You weren’t a happy camper when you had to leave the pool…but you were just being a 2 year old. Grandma bought you your own boats, although we only got to play with them in the tub b/c it was too cold to swim.
One day we went to the southern most tip of the continental USA, Key West. It was a long drive but you were a pretty good kid. You kept us amused in the car, calling people on your cell phone, telling them we were going to Key West. I think you also called some ‘guys’ to ‘fix’ something.

When Uncle Cashew went running one day, you said, ‘Uncle, whatta you doing?’ when Uncle told you that he was going running, you said ‘That’s crazy’ and we couldn’t agree with you more.
You spent most of the days wanting to play games with the big kids, playing with your cars on a really cool track grammy got you, playing with play-dough, and painting pictures auntie brought for you.

We also went to see dolphins but you got bored about half way through and did not want to see any more dolphins! We had so much fun with you and we can’t wait to see you again soon!

Love always,
Auntie (Now if I could just give my camera to someone else maybe you and I could get a picture together!)
Self Portrait