At the end of May, you and Mommy took our last trip to Chicago before baby sister got here. We flew in and went straight to Auntie and Uncles. Last year, you had a great time floating around in his ring all by himself and playing in the pool. This year, you were a bit more timid and did not want to be floating in your ring unless someone was holding on to you. You wanted to just sit on the side of the pool or get out of the pool all together. As you can see, you and Pop had a great time splashing around.

It's really hard to get a good picture of you and Grammie. This is the best we could do. I think it's pretty darn cute and Grammie actually has her eyes open. This picture is right outside the hot tub. Again, you didn't like being in there too much unless someone was holding you. That's until Pop realized you could actually touch the bottom. Then you liked walking around in there from one person to the next.
These next few pictures are my favorite from our trip. Auntie got you the pirate dress-up set and you really got into it. You even took Skippy down for the count.