Monday, July 30, 2012

Farm Fair 2012/ Allie's Birthday

Of course we couldn't let the summer go by without going to the Farm Fair.  Unfortunately it was so stinkin' hot, we couldn't really enjoy ourselves.

 You can see Allie's wet, sweaty hair in this one...
TWO YEARS OLD!!!  Can you believe it, I know I can't!  Allie got a new baby for her birthday and she goes everywhere with us.
 Such a princess..
 Always good for a goofy face.
 She even blew out the candles all by herself!  Such a big girl!  Happy Birthday beautiful girl!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tumble Bus

Max and Allie were invited to the birthday party of one of their daycare friends.  The Tumble Bus came and the kids had a blast.  They basically turned this school bus into a tumbling ring and had organized activities for the kids.  It was really cool and the kids were so excited to see the big bus pull up to the party.
