On Monday Max had his 6 month well visit. He really does good at his visits. He hates the poking and prodding, but don't we all! He just fusses a little as if saying..."Hey Doc! Cut that out! That really doesn't feel good, is it really necessary?". Then come the shots! He cries for as long as it takes the Dr. to give the shots (very quick, I might add) and for me to pick him up. Once mommy has him, he's fine! Oh, I guess you're probably wanting the stats 29 inches (97
th percentile) and 21 lb 2 oz (90-95
th percentile). For those of you who know about his head, you'll be proud to know he's moved from the 50
th percentile up to the 75
th percentile...
Wow! He's almost as tall as my little dude! :)
Holy cow, I know boys are bigger, but at 1 yr Avery was 21 lb 9 oz and 31 in!
he's a cutie!! hope you are doing well heidi!! we need to schedule a playdate for august with marissa and whoever if possible ok?? i'll be home the whole month just about, 3rd-28th!!!
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