15 months? Can you believe it? The above picture is from our recent vacation to Florida. I thought Auntie would have a big post for you on that, but I guess not. Anywho...
Here's the status on our big boy! 32 1/2 inches (75-90 percentile) and 24.8 lbs (50- 75 percentile) . He sure is heavy and although he's walking...ok, running quite well on his own, he really loves to look up at you with that sad face and just be carried. I always find this kind of funny with little kids. I think it's because they like to be up at our level.
Sorry for the quick post, but I gotta jet...at least it's something!
yea! its great to see some photos! florida is a great place in the winter, i went one year just after new year and it was great!!
yea!! a post =) he is adorable still! glad you got to florida for a break! sounds fun...i've been there in the winter too and its such a nice change=)
(sorry for double comments =) won't do it again!! but now you have 3!! ha ha)
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