Sunday, April 26, 2009


Grandma and myself (Auntie) did something no one, including ourselves, thought we would ever do....DRIVE TO MARYLAND! In case you don't know, Maryland is very very far away from Chicago. Like 24 episodes of Handy Manny or the Mickey Mouse Club or those other crazy guys that dress up as movers or something. It is a LONG way away. We decided to drive in order to bring a bunch of stuff to you and your mommy and then Auntie went to work in Delaware while she was there. While Auntie and Mommy were at work, Grandma took care of you! During the day she got sick and decided to lay down and watch you play. To entertain you, she rolled your new play car with automatic wheels, which Pop sent you, over her head...and once she did the wheels started spinning and the car got stuck in her hair! After a trip to the neighbors, laying on their front porch while they hit the car wheels with a hammer, she finally got ran around and played like nothing happened!

We were amazed at how much like a big boy you looked and it had only been a few weeks since our last visit! We visited you around the same time last year and you were just a baby, check out the old post.

You're a TV this picture you are watching 'What Not To Wear'

After a few short days, we were back in the car driving all the way home to Chi-town...I'm pretty sure you were all set to go with us and we wish you could too!


Sunday, April 12, 2009


On the Friday before my Birthday, you and your mommy flew to Chicago and REALLY surprised me for my Birthday (which number shall not be named). You came to my office and hid in a conference room and when I went in, there you were staring back up at me! WOW! I was so surprised and happy to see you that I cried!

While Mommy, Uncle John, and I went to my big kid Birthday party in Chicago, you went home with Grandma and Grandpa. Your very first sleep over!!! You had a great time! Grandma and Grandpa let you stay up way to late and hang out with them. I'm not sure who had a better time you or them!

On Saturday, we all went to Tyson's Tenders, a Train themed restaurant where the train actually brings out your meal. You thought it was SO cool! You had a hard time taking it all in!

You acted like such a big kid! After lunch you and I rode the train together, you really liked it (auntie did too).

You are looking more and more like a KID and not a baby. You learned tons of new words just in the last month and I think my favorite is when you walk around and say...'tickle, tickle, tickle'.
You also insisted on playing rock band with the big kids, so we started you out on a starter kit.
You were really proud of yourself for hanging in there with the big guys!

The Easter Bunny visited Grandmas gave your horse loves.

You tested out a peep too! You weren't really a big fan.

Later on in the weekend, you thought you were good enough for the really drum kit.

All that drumming really had you tuckered out.

Auntie had a GREAT Birthday weekend. Thank you so much for flying out to see me. You are the best kid ever.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Every kid needs a few sketty pictures in their album don't they? He thoroughly enjoyed his sketty, can you tell? If he wasn't playing with it in the space between his teeth, he was slurpping it into his mouth. It's sp funny to see him slurp things into his mouth. Makes us laugh every time.

Needless to say. He went straight to the bathtub with a good scrub down from momma.
We are getting a few words out of him; not much beyond the obvious momma and dadda...dadda ALL the time. He does say Poppa, tickle, car (with a Boston accent- we don't know either), truck (cuck), book (really more just buh), cup (cuh), hot, hi, bye bye.
