Friday, August 26, 2011

Max Speaks

A few funnies that I want to remember:

Word: Max
Fabulous: Fableeous
Ridiculous: Ridicleeous
Thunder: Funder
Joseph: Jofess

We were also riding in the car and he was telling me he wanted something for his birthday. I can not for the life of me remember the "non" word he used. He did tell me his friend Alani had one at her birthday, how he know this I'm not sure. It should also be noted that this was July and her birthday is in December. I kept trying to figure out what he was saying and and the more I tried the more frustrated he got. Finally he said...UGH! Mom! You know, the thing that you hit with a stick and candy comes out. LOL! I busted out laughing and said OH! A Pinata, to which he replied, "How did you say that?" and we spent the next few minutes in the car practicing Pin Ya Ta.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Proof is in

Well, Max has had a tough time getting in the BIG pool again this year. Just to prove to ourselves that he really did get in and he really was brave about it and he really did like it I thought I'd put the proof out on the web.

Allie, on the other hand, has no issues...LOVES IT!

Happy Birthday Angel!

Well, as any first birthday should go, it was full of many celebrations!

Grammie Jeannie and Poppa Leggs were here to help celebrate early in July. Presents and cake were abundant.
Don't dare take the cake away from this girl, you may lose your arm!

As long as she's not doing this in appreciation of her presents when she's 16, I think we'll be OK.

Two days before the BIG birthday, we took Allie to the emergency room. Pop was taking Allie out of the car and she got her fingers caught in the door. We thought she might need stitches and maybe her finger was broken. Turns out, they just super glued her finger and although initially they thought it was broken, we found out at her follow up appointment it was not.

The final Birthday Celebration was at Aunt Joan's house. A simple celebration with the family here; swimming in the pool, eating good food, and of course cake.

She just loved having everyone sing to her. I think that was probably her highlight.

OH! That, and being the princess!
