Tuesday, December 4, 2007

2.5 Days Old

Max, today you and your mom got to go home from the hospital! When I saw a picture of you two all set to leave I told your Grandma I could not believe that you were going home with my sister! It is hard to believe that today you will sleep in the crib with the bumpers and bedskirt that your mom, great grandma, grandma, and I spent hours making. That you will wear the clothes that we so neatly hung in your closet and swing in your really cool swing! I don't think I will really believe you are here, and that you are my sisters baby until I hold you in my own arms and feel your little fingers wrapped around mine!

I can't wait to see you! Love,
Auntie Em

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Max!

Welcome to the world. Tell your Mom and Dad that they do great work. Also, ask someone to post pictures of that neato crib bumper and stuff. Hugs from far away...

Karen, Norm, Phil, Mark and Eileen.
