Hi Max! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your Ma'ma started having contractions last night at 11 pm, and headed to the hospital at 2 am. 12 long hours later you made your apperance! You are 8 lbs and 15 oz and 21 inches long. You have the your grandma and aunts legs! We can't wait to meet you and are anxiously awaiting more pictures!
Lots of Love,
Auntie Em
Hi Max, My adorable,precious grandbaby. I almost didn't survive your arrival. The stress of the wait practically killed me. I am so happy you are here safe and sound. I am coming to see you with grandpa and auntie em on Friday. Please make sure you scream when they hold you and never cry for me. I promise I will stay up late with you and I will feed you and hold you whenever you want me too. Don't forget I love you all the way up to the sky and farther. xxooxoxo
Grandma Jeannie
Yeah!! Thanks so much for sending this link Emily! I'm so glad he's here - what a big boy! Congratulations to all!!
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